Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Garden delights

Lizards scuttled in the undergrowth, birds darted from tree to tree delighting in the offerings of the flowering natives, and I watched my excited daughter running along the winding paths amassing a collection of rocks and twigs...

I really should enjoy the Botanic Gardens more often (I've said that to myself each odd occasion that I have been there). It's another one of the local attractions that, being a local, I neglect to visit. Perhaps I should make it my mission to rediscover some local gems while I'm on maternity leave.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Babe in arms

The days are passing in a wonderful haze of sleeping, feeding, and warm newborn cuddles. Everything seems a little slower this time around. Now that we know just how fast these early days will pass we are enjoying every quiet moment, every afternoon spent gazing at the babe sleeping in our arms or curled on our chests. We are less stressed about the little things, there is less learning to be done, and we hold a greater appreciation for the little quirks of a newborn baby. The funny, oh-so-funny faces, the squeaks and squawks, the ability to fall asleep in any position anytime, anywhere, occasionally gazing in wide-eyed wonder at the world around her in those brief moments when she is fully alert. The occasional what-some-would-call-wind-but-I-call-a-smile has shown evidence of two adorable dimples just waiting to be flashed when those 'smiles' become smiles.

In true 'Super Big Sister' fashion The Bean is insisting on going to sleep at night with a cape on…

Friday, 1 November 2013

Number one

With a tiny baby in the house, The Bean all of a sudden seems very grown up. Somehow we'd forgotten how tiny and helpless a newborn baby is, and now we see just how far our (big) baby girl has come.

She has been very kind and gentle with her baby sister, planting sweet little kisses on her head and softly stroking her hair at every opportunity.

It's a different story with mum and dad though—there is plenty of foot-stomping, exclamations of NO!, and general surliness in the air. Hopefully she will be back to her cheerful self in no time...