Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Project 52 - January

Taking part in My Four Hens Project 52

Week 1 - When buying fruit, checking the aesthetics is a priority for me.
Week 2 - When I see cockatoos, I remember watching the look on a Finnish relatives' face when he saw a flock fly over for the first time. He had only ever seen individuals as pets, never a flock in the wild. I try to remember how lucky I am to be able to appreciate their horrible screeching on a daily basis.
Week 3 - Taking this photo very nearly caused me eye damage I'm sure - holding it up to the sun in one hand, with the camera in the other.
Week 4 - A part of me I never would have seen, if not for my Nanna and Papa. Old reels of film from my toddler years.

It begins!

The Bean started preschool a couple of weeks ago. The day that always seemed so far away was suddenly upon us. She donned her uniform and giant backpack, posed for plenty of photos, we enjoyed a ceremonious ‘first walk’ to her school and then... not a single tear was shed. I had already cried many tears in the lead up to the big day, lamenting the fact that my baby girl was growing up, that she was about to get a huge dose of independence.

She set off with barely a glance over her shoulder as we stood at the gate feeling slightly bewildered – wasn’t this supposed to be hard? For someone? Anyone? We stayed for as long as it took to assuage our guilt before heading home to enjoy a day with Lulu Bean.

When we collected Bean Senior a few hours later, well, we collected a different child. The giant dose of independence she received on that first day has changed her. Good changes and bad changes in equal measure. A little more confidence and a little more sass. More cuddles but more defiance. She’s on fire now, this little one.