Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Hyvää Joulua!

At the tender age of 20 months The Bean has barely begun to understand Christmas and all it entails, but what a lovely couple of days we have had.

I’ve heard parents say that the best part of Christmas celebrations is watching the excitement as their child opens their presents, and I think I’m beginning to understand that sentiment. The Bean was carefully tearing the wrapping of a gift when she exclaimed “Oh WOW! Oh WOW! Elli HAPPY!” It was one of the first times I have heard her describe her own emotional state and, combined with the sheer joy on her face, it brought a tear to my eye.

As is the Finnish tradition, my family celebrates on Christmas Eve. We gather for a lovely dinner conveniently leaving Christmas Day free to celebrate with my husband’s rather large family. There are only ever a dozen or so adults on Christmas Eve so it is like a warm up for the following day where we will celebrate with somewhere between 30 and 55 people, depending on whether it is an ‘off’ year or an ‘on’ year. In a nutshell, it’s exhausting, but always wonderful.

This year my husband and I had to discuss what we will tell The Bean in the future about Santa Claus. I grew up with Joulupukki visiting on Christmas Eve. My uncle would take me to the shops for an ice cream or to pick up something that my mum had ‘forgotten’ and lo and behold – upon our return Santa would have already been. I couldn’t BELIEVE that I kept missing him year after year! Although I never got to meet him, I still believe in Santa Claus, because he really does exist.

How will we explain to The Bean that Santa will be visiting not once, but twice each year? Will he be bringing her presents on Christmas Eve and again on Christmas morning (in line with my husband’s family traditions) because he forgot something? Because she has been extra good that year?

Whatever story we come up with we’ll try to keep the wonder of Santa Claus alive and well* for as long as we possibly can, if not for her then certainly for us – Christmas is only going to become more magical from here on.

*We will NOT be collecting kangaroo poo to sprinkle on the driveway and try to pass it off as reindeer droppings like someone I know...

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