Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Making plans

The last couple of months have seen our little family spending lazy evenings outdoors watching The Bean potter around, hosting many get-togethers with family and friends (a good time for it, because we can’t fit everyone inside our little home in the colder months), and generally loafing about complaining about the heat.

It has been a lovely break and because the weather has started to cool (for now, anyway) I find myself with more energy, itching to make some plans for the coming year.

My top goals are:

To enjoy a fun-filled family holiday. This one I can tick off my list. Soon we will be spending almost a week in beautiful Tasmania*—my favourite place in the whole world—with some dear friends. With six adults and three little ones making the journey there is a good chance that it will feel like a real holiday, being able to share the child minding duties, cooking and chores.

To take better care of myself.
No explanation needed for this goal. I owe it to myself, my husband and my daughter to be as healthy as I can be. Must also try and figure out why we have so far had no luck conceiving number two…

To work on my work.
I love my job and feel incredibly blessed to wake up and look forward to going to work. My role has evolved to a point where I am now doing a job I have not trained for, and I need to invest time into bringing my skills up to scratch.

Us time.
We have a long list of eager babysitters so there is no excuse for not spending some quality time as a couple. The Bean has impacted on our lives in such a wonderful way, but we need to nurture our relationship with each other.^ Our trip to Tassie will be a good chance to reminisce and reconnect—we will be arriving at the same accommodation seven years to the day after we were last at that gorgeous cottage on our honeymoon.

Me, me, me time. I certainly don’t begrudge my husband’s extracurricular activities, he works hard at work and at home, and enjoys hobbies of his own. However, I find myself feeling like I am either at work-work or at home-work all of the time. And as much as I treasure my time with The Bean, it’s time to take some me time! Because of my husband’s shift work I can’t commit to a weekly activity at a set time, but I can make sure that I take a few hours here and there to indulge in a hobby.

To improve my photography skills.
See above. It’s time for me to set a new project each week, to be inspired, learn, enjoy, and create. At the very least I will be seeking to record the simple beauty that exists just beyond my doorstep.

Should be a fun and satisfying year! Now, to make it happen…

*I haven’t given a second thought to the flights. Who would have thought?

^We will start by attempting to go somewhere, anywhere, without talking about The Bean constantly

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