Sunday, 26 October 2014

My new path

A few weeks ago I was readying myself to return to my job of seven years after my second stint of maternity leave. Now I find myself ‘unemployed’, having made the decision to listen to what the universe was trying to tell me - that it's time to focus on building a career as a photographer (or at the very least making a small living while I continue to learn my craft).

I’m finding it difficult to explain to people how it feels. It’s terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. I'm excited at the prospect of building the perfect work/life balance, being able to contribute to the household finances while being able to do the 'mundane' things I yearn for, like walking the girls to and from school. Taking them to and from activities. Cuddling them before an afternoon nap. Like having breakfast with my husband - maybe sometimes just the two of us - gotta love shift work! Just being there. It's like a dream come true.

I feel a sense of guilt at having this opportunity, because my husband works so hard to look after us. I feel like I am letting our team down and being selfish in following this path. When I dared to dream about identifying myself as a photographer, I used to get a little flutter of excitement in my belly. That flutter is now nervousness and a growing sense of responsibility.

I also feel a huge sense of relief that my future is no longer in someone else's hands. And I am savouring every precious moment with my amazing girls while they are so very young.

I can do this. I will do this. 

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