Sunday 18 August 2013

New life

One definite positive of our little photography business chugging along is that I am being forced to drive places that I wouldn’t usually drive. There are still certain roads and routes that I won’t travel, but I have recently driven to some places that were definitely out of my comfort zone. And guess what? I survived.

Experiencing the excitement and anxiety that goes with each job (meeting with a new client, hoping that you don’t stuff up their photos) combined with the confidence boost of having actually driven there and back is certainly reducing my anxiety in general.

I’m really hoping that this time around with a new baby I can hang on to this confidence and let it spill into my everyday life. Motherhood can be very isolating and there are days that you feel trapped with your little one with no escape. Actually having no escape—feeling unable to drive anywhere or feeling unwilling to leave the house—of course only serves to compound the feelings of loneliness and isolation.

With a few friends from my different mummies groups due around the same time as me, as well as friends and family who are lucky enough to have time off during the week, I’m hoping that I can make the most of my time on maternity leave and surround myself with people who will nurture my spirit and help me focus on being the best mum I can be. Right now my stress levels are through the roof, my temper is short and my patience is virtually non-existent. I’m going to have a tough time keeping it all together with two little ones underfoot, so I’m hoping that once Pumpkin arrives and the pregnancy hormones leave my body I’ll magically de-stress…

Spring is just around the corner and all of the buzzing and budding going on around me is firing up my nesting urges. There's a lot to do in a few short months, not least of all preparing myself mentally for having to let some things go, like my expectations of having a clean and tidy house each day. After all, there are more important things in life, and it won't hurt me to relax a little and just enjoy!

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