Tuesday 17 February 2015

Project 52 - January

Taking part in My Four Hens Project 52

Week 1 - When buying fruit, checking the aesthetics is a priority for me.
Week 2 - When I see cockatoos, I remember watching the look on a Finnish relatives' face when he saw a flock fly over for the first time. He had only ever seen individuals as pets, never a flock in the wild. I try to remember how lucky I am to be able to appreciate their horrible screeching on a daily basis.
Week 3 - Taking this photo very nearly caused me eye damage I'm sure - holding it up to the sun in one hand, with the camera in the other.
Week 4 - A part of me I never would have seen, if not for my Nanna and Papa. Old reels of film from my toddler years.

It begins!

The Bean started preschool a couple of weeks ago. The day that always seemed so far away was suddenly upon us. She donned her uniform and giant backpack, posed for plenty of photos, we enjoyed a ceremonious ‘first walk’ to her school and then... not a single tear was shed. I had already cried many tears in the lead up to the big day, lamenting the fact that my baby girl was growing up, that she was about to get a huge dose of independence.

She set off with barely a glance over her shoulder as we stood at the gate feeling slightly bewildered – wasn’t this supposed to be hard? For someone? Anyone? We stayed for as long as it took to assuage our guilt before heading home to enjoy a day with Lulu Bean.

When we collected Bean Senior a few hours later, well, we collected a different child. The giant dose of independence she received on that first day has changed her. Good changes and bad changes in equal measure. A little more confidence and a little more sass. More cuddles but more defiance. She’s on fire now, this little one.

Thursday 29 January 2015

Project 52 - December

My Four Hens Project 52

Week 49 - Her eyes often show her gratitude
Week 50 - The only photo of the 52 weeks taken on my compact camera. No way my DSLR is heading underwater!
Week 51 - Soul(mate)

Week 52 - Taken at around 11pm on New Year's Eve in a desperate effort to make up for the previous couple of weeks and actually finish my photo project on time. Mission accomplished!

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Project 52 - November

My Four Hens Project 52

Week 44 - My Happy Place
Week 45 - Not a scrap of editing on these vibrant 'pig face' flowers
Week 46 - Couldn't start the day without my Vegemite!
Week 47 - Never a 'dull' moment in my girls' laundry basket
Week 48 - One of my cherished childhood toys

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Friday 21 November 2014

Happy Birthday Baby

Lulu Bean turned one a few weeks ago and I am staggered at how quickly this year has passed. It is with some sadness that I ponder the fact that I will never again have a baby in my belly or my newborn in my arms.

Memorably, she took her first steps on her birthday. Watching a baby learn to walk is the cutest thing I have EVER seen, and I wish this stage would last more than just a few weeks. She said her first word (which like her sister was 'cat') recently, and it looks like she is on track to wean herself around the same time her sister did.

She is definitely not a baby anymore, which I may or may not have shed a few tears about... She has been surprising us over the last month or so by demonstrating she understands and comprehends so much more than we give her credit for. She is largely silent, but is obviously quietly sitting back and taking it all in. She has a strong personality, with a stubborn streak to rival her sister's, and she is starting to display a great sense of humour. What a beautiful age this is. I'm desperately going to miss it.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Project 52 - October

My Four Hens Project 52

Week 40 - almost forgot!
Week 41 - I had about two minutes to snap this as the sun peeked through the trees on its way down...
Week 42 - I had been waiting all year for a topic that would suit this idea! Made an appearance in week 42's eye candy
Week 43 - The story is about a little girl who is late for school because she stopped to rescue a little bird