Monday 16 December 2013

Smile for me

These chubby smiles are oh-so-rewarding and arrived just in time to preserve my sanity. Having two little ones is about what I expected so far: some days are gentle and peaceful and full of love; some days are wild, teary and full of shouting.

The Bean is still proving to be a doting big sister and is actually displaying a lot of patience* considering her beautiful baby sister needs to be held pretty much all the time during daylight hours. Mercifully, baby girl sleeps wonderfully at night, but the days can feel looooooong.

I get pretty much nothing done, and I have had to lower my expectations about how tidy the house should be.

It's amazing just how tiring holding and feeding a baby all day can be.

I pretty much don't feel like I have to do anything, and I have been able to lower my expectations about how tidy the house should be. 

It's lovely cuddling a baby all day.

*'A lot of patience' in toddler terms means that she hasn't yet taken to drawing on walls, cutting her own hair, or breaking precious things to get my attention.

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