Tuesday 17 February 2015

Project 52 - January

Taking part in My Four Hens Project 52

Week 1 - When buying fruit, checking the aesthetics is a priority for me.
Week 2 - When I see cockatoos, I remember watching the look on a Finnish relatives' face when he saw a flock fly over for the first time. He had only ever seen individuals as pets, never a flock in the wild. I try to remember how lucky I am to be able to appreciate their horrible screeching on a daily basis.
Week 3 - Taking this photo very nearly caused me eye damage I'm sure - holding it up to the sun in one hand, with the camera in the other.
Week 4 - A part of me I never would have seen, if not for my Nanna and Papa. Old reels of film from my toddler years.

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