Saturday 6 April 2013

Bye bye 'baby'

With my ‘baby’ girl turning two this month, I have cause to reflect on how quickly time has passed since I first saw those two lines on the stick – two little lines that were to change our lives forever.

We have faced the greatest learning curve of our lives since becoming parents, each day faced with challenges and milestones, precious moments and tearful ones, and joy and fear. The anxious side of me never stops worrying about The Bean and in my ability to keep her safe and happy.

I am amazed every day at this beautiful and clever creature that we have created, so full of personality and heart. She is learning at an astonishing rate, and teaching us so much about ourselves at the same time.

As her toddlerhood progresses the days will no doubt become more challenging—tantrums and boundary-pushing will play a big part in her development. My goal will be to keep calm, to elicit as many heart-melting smiles as I can from her, to be as kind as I can be, and to make sure she goes to bed each night with a smile in her heart, certain that she is loved.

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