Thursday 5 September 2013

Take a deep breath...

My stress levels are currently through the roof, which is not an ideal way to be feeling with only eight weeks to go before Pumpkin arrives. A combination of general life stresses and some more specific stresses (and no doubt some raging hormones thrown in for good measure) has left me an emotional wreck. Crying at the drop of a hat, losing my temper quicker than you can say ‘calm down crazy pregnant lady!’ and an inability to get some proper rest has seen things become a little difficult in my household (mostly for my dear husband).

I'm really hoping that my moods return to normal soon because I am finding that my usual coping mechanisms are no longer adequate, and this amount of stress can't be good for Pumpkin and I. At the very least I am hoping for a significant change in approximately eight weeks time… (coincidentally also the same time I can reacquaint myself with wine).

Thankfully The Bean seems to be taking it all in her stride and is proving to be a kind-hearted and forgiving little soul. She seems to be able to sense when I need to be brought back down to earth and she offers me ‘huggles’ while spouting her new favourite phrase “I love you so very much”, hearing which of course ends up with me in floods of tears.

Adding to the emotional roller coaster I’m on is the guilt that I’m feeling about not investing as much in baby number two—physically, mentally, emotionally or organisationally. I’m sure it is the same for almost everyone—a sense of ‘been there, done that’—but this mother guilt is proving to be a powerful emotion.

Some fresh air was just what I needed and the beautiful spring weather meant a trip to beautiful Tidbinbilla with some lovely friends. The wattle in bloom was simply stunning and worked wonders on my mood—here’s hoping that spring continues to work its magic.

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