Monday 30 September 2013

Sick with love

My general anxiety thinking that something terrible is going to happen to The Bean is becoming overwhelming. Even on days where she is testing my patience (which due to my general exhaustion and short temper is most days at the moment) I can't bear to be away from her. I miss her even while she's sleeping and find myself checking on her throughout the night, something I haven't done for a very long time.

Dropping her off at grandma’s for an afternoon I found myself crying on the way home for no good reason. I almost turned the car around and rushed back to her side because for some reason I felt like I was never going to see her again. The feeling was uncontrollable; unbearable; almost panic inducing.

Her latest morning routine involves waking up at first light and calling out "I'm awake mama. Can I come into your bed for a huggle?" (Who could resist, honestly?) Clutching her comfort toys she will crawl into bed between us and drift off back to sleep. One morning recently I found myself unable to snooze along with her, instead I lay there with terrible thoughts looping through my head as I watched her sleep. It seemed that every terrible story I had ever heard about a child coming to harm entered my mind and I couldn’t fight them off. From thoughts close to home like imagining her lonely or scared, to tragic events happening a world away, every intrusive thought felt like I was being punched.

When she finally stirred she reached an arm around my neck and her daddy's neck, pulled our heads against hers, and with her eyes closed and a soft, dreamy smile on her face said "my family..." It was a moment so sweet it broke my heart, at the same time intensifying the sick feeling in my stomach that I get when I imagine that one day I might lose her.

I can't quite figure out the link between the impending arrival of Pumpkin and these new feelings about The Bean. Perhaps it will mean having to let her go a little bit more than I think I am ready for. Perhaps it has something to do with her losing her title as the centre of my universe—a role she will now have to share. Perhaps deep down I am terrified that she will resent me for the upheaval that is about to happen in her life, and she’ll decide she no longer needs me…

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